Monday, May 23, 2011

Brett’s Birthday Gazette

May 23, 2011 FREE

Extra! Extra! Read All About It –

Brett is Four!

Brian, Brett & Jonathan

Brett Becomes a Big Brother

On November 11, 2010, Jonathan Mark Feldman was born and Brett became a big brother. We really weren’t sure how Brett would react to having a little baby brother around the house.

However, since Jonathan was born, Brett has been nothing short of obsessed with his baby brother. He likes to get very, very close to Jonathan’s face when he talks to his “buddy.” It starts out with something like this…. “Hi buuuuuuuudddddddyyyyyyy.” Brett loves to hug him, kiss him, give him toys, and do just about anything in which he is allowed to get up close. If I indicate that I am going to change Jonathan’s diaper, Brett beats me to the nursery to get the diaper and wipes ready! He absolutely adores Jonathan in every way. At bedtime, he always asks me to bring Jonathan in his room for one more kiss!

Back to School

Brett started PK-3 at Eden Christian Academy in August. His teacher’s name is Mrs. Vuich and the aide is Mrs. McDonnell. (I absolutely love the way that Brett pronounces Mrs. McDonnell!) From the first day of school, Brett was quick to run into the classroom. Mrs. Vuich often has to remind him to give “Mommy a big hug bye-bye! He absolutely loves his teachers as evidenced by the art work that he makes for them at home! If you ask Brett what his favorite part about school is, he will usually say, “building with Eli.”

We have been extremely impressed with the Preschool curriculum at Eden. Brett has made progress with his handwriting. He is writing both uppercase and lowercase letters. He has reading lessons and loves when his fourth grade “Reading Buddy” comes to read with him in the hallway! Brett was so excited when he got in the car on the day that they did “Jelly Bean Math!” He had his little bag of colored jelly beans, and he showed me how to add the various colors together.

Brett enjoys his bible lessons, especially the story of the Good Samaritan, when he learned about the importance of being a good neighbor and discovered that even small children can extend kindness in many different ways. Brett has been diligent about learning his monthly bible verses. I especially enjoyed his enthusiasm when he practiced April’s verse from Matthew 28:6 – He is not here. He is risen. (Hand motions and all!)

Oh the Things Brett Will Say!

The bases are juiced!” “Do you like pasketti (spaghetti)?

“For my birthday, I would like a fox in a cage.”

The things that especially aggravate Brian are when Brett calls the Tampa Bay Lightning the “Lightnings,” and when he calls Wilmer, our sponsored child from Guatemala, “Wilmert.

His prayers are especially heartwarming…never rote!

Our Little Host with the Most

Brett loves to have company (or at least pretend we are having company!). He is always willing to set the table, and he is the first to the door to greet guests when they do arrive. When Brett is expecting friends, he likes to set out the drinks andsnacks. (Sometimes he likes to set-up imaginary playdates with lots of snacks at the kitchen table.) When it is time to leave, Brett always remembers to walk guests either to the door or to their cars. His exit greeting is always the same--- “Don’t smell skunks and drive carefully!”

Brett truly goes out of his way to be helpful around the house even when we aren’t having company. If he hears me say that I need butter from the refrigerator, he is quick to run over to the fridge, open the door and look for the butter. He also likes to clean, and he can often be found on his hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor.

4th Year - In Review

May 21st – 23rd – Niagara Falls trip for his B-Day

June 21st-24th1st KIDZ GIG

June 20th – Brett got “called up” to play for Red Sox

June 26th – 1st movie theatre experience (Toy Store 3)

June 28th – 1st Swim Lesson

August 14th – Wildwood 50th Anniversary Carnival

August 16th Cousin Jack Matthew was born!

August 26th - 1st Day of PK-3 at Eden

September 27th – Started serving at Food Pantry

September 29th School Picture Day

October 21stDuck for President performance by

Pgh International Children’s Theatre

November 11th – Jonathan was born

March 27th – Suessical the Musical at the Bynam Theatre

April 10th – Ran the bases at PNC Park

April 23rd – 1st Penguin play-off game

May 5th – Mother’s Day Tea Party at PK-3

Tailgating before the Pens game.

If at First You Don’t Succeed,

Try and Try Again

Perseverance, as defined by the dictionary, is commitment, hard work, andendurance; being able to bear difficulties calmly and without complaint.Okay….so Brett isn’t always calm and without complaint, but he sure does work hard at a task. For example it is not uncommon for Brett to insist that he can tie his own shoes and then sit for several minutes and work on it!(Then I sit for several minutes to un-tie them!) He has been getting dressed independently for some time and refuses any assistance. That is why you might see Brett with his pants on backwards. He is quite resourceful, too.

Brett displays his determination in sports and school, too. When he is

playing basketball with Brian, he will not give up until he makes the shot.

While he has been learning to write his upper and lowercase letters, he has sat at the kitchen table for quite some time trying to get his letter formation just right. I specifically remember working on the letter “N.”

Along with being determined, Brett is also pretty resourceful. Recently, I asked Brett to turn the lights on in Jonathan’s room for me. He couldn’t reach the light switch, so he created a little stool out of a stack of books.

We absolutely love these qualities in Brett and can’t wait to see what God has planned for our little “Brettster!

“For I know the plans I have for you,”

Declares the Lord,

“Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.

Plans to give you a hope and a future.”

-Jeremiah 29:11

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

Brett is passionate about many different things. When we asked him what sport he would like to play, he answered, “Soccer!” He also loves to play basketball, hockey, golf,baseball, and football with Brian. (He seems like quite the little natural at most sports that he tries!) However, Brett definitely has many other interests, some of which are:

Coloring, “markering” (if he is using markers) and painting. He especially likes to make pictures for Grandma, Papa, Neenee, Jerry, Mrs. Vuich and Mrs. McDonnell.

“Puzzling, especially with Grandma. It is not uncommon for Brett to cover the entryway of the house with puzzles which he has put together.

Music. Brett enjoys music and can often be heard singing in the car or tapping his foot to the beat of the music if he is in a public setting like church. His favorite songs include “Feliz Navidad” by Jose Feliciano, “The Cars Song” (Real Gone by Sheryl Crow) and “House Upon a Rock” from the KIDZ Gig soundtrack.

Reading. Brett would let you read to him for hours. He has been incredibly patient listening to Brian as Brian has learned to read this year. Recently Brett “read” the book “It is Not Easy Being a Bunny.” When he got to the last page, he was so excited and he exclaimed, “Mommy, I did Book-It!” He also likes “Froggy” books. Brett also loves to do homework alongside Brian.

Cooking. Although, Brett still doesn’t eat very much, he loves to help in the kitchen. If you ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he will probably tell you a “Snack Chef.” His favorite things to make are salads and cakes.

Helping! We are so grateful for Brett’s helpful spirit! We are always so happy to see him helping Mr. Andrew hand out the nametags at Kidz Church or hear that he is cooperative and eager to clean up at school.

It is so fun to play with Brett because he is quite creative. One recent morning, he put box lids on his feet and one on his head and slid around the hardwood floor pretending to be ice-skating. I am not sure if his “babies” were at the ice rink or not. Brett has imaginary babies. He has had them since the winter of 2009, when Mark got so frustrated with the babies that he threw them out the window of the car on the way home from Niagara Falls. Brett assured us that Auntie Ann brought them back to Pittsburgh with her the following March. He started with three, but now he has twelve!



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